iMagine TOYz

iMagine TOYz

iMagine TOYz

iMagine TOYz

iMagine TOYz
iMagine TOYz are more than toys.
They are ingenuity, exploration, happiness, fun, amazing, creative, nurturing, family-oriented, solo learning, and so much more...
They are a place for your child to learn and have build the desire to learn.
We also promote family unity and family fun.
iMagine TOYz was founded by an Educator and Business Specialist.
After years of being in Education & Business, Decades of research, they decided the past several years to design not only a system but the tools needed.
Designed is specialized for Parents & Children with real curriculum style and learning tools to foster natural learning.
Our secondary designs are to bring these into the classrooms in a affordable manor for teachers and schools.
The future is limitless
iMagine TOYz are designed on real life, natural learning and incorperating fun and desire to learn and explore.
We come up with the ideas in our Explore Education ThinkTANK.
Here specilisits from all over the world and locally to China explore ideas, toys, learning disaplines and more. This has been going on for more than a decade now.
Partnershiped with classrooms, teachers and schools.
We are now ready to test and trial the IDEAS !
iMagine TOYz Monthly Membership will bring the classroom into your home.
Your Kids will NEVER SUSPECT they are Learning!
That is the KEY to iMagine TOYz
... and Teachers we will provide an affordable solution for you nd your classroom. We want to help design an new way of learning and also a new future for Children, Parents and Teachers alike.